[Important]Verification results of our plug-ins in Adobe Illustrator 2025

Verification plug-ins illustrator 2025 and update.

Verification results of our plug-ins in Adobe Illustrator 2025

Adobe Illustrator 2025

Thank you for using our subscription plug-ins. We have been testing our plug-ins with Adobe Illusrator 2025 released last Oct 2024. So far the verificaiton works have proceeded well and we would like to share the results with you. We have confirmed that our plug-in installations, loading at startup, and basic operations have no problems.
We hope our plug-ins will conitnue to support your artwork.

When you update to Adobe Illustrator 2025

Please kindly note that you will need reinstall our subscription plug-ins when you update to Adobe Illusrator 2025.
Our plug-ins WILL NOT be migrated to the new Illustrator version automatically .

Please Download our plug-ins with the latest version and re-install.
You can refer some useful tips for how to install our plug-ins.

If you find any problems with our plug-ins in Adobe Illustrator 2025 version, please kindly contact us.

Best regards.